Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Very Lodato Christmas

We hosted Christmas Eve this year in snowy Renton and were shocked everyone showed up even though the roads were horrible. We had a few more added guests, neighbors and friends so it was a total full house at La Cas de Lodato.

I am posting a few pictures of the happy event. Since this is our last year as a single family so we whooped it up with lots of drinks (well Andy did) and some good presents!
We got the Wii from Andy's Mom, Rock Band 2 for the Wii from my parents, plus a few fun games and accessories for our wii.
Andy surprised me with a birthday/Christmas present of white gold diamond earrings! I had originally asked Andy for the Little green machine steam cleaner and i got the earrings and well hell they are way better! :)

We hope that you all had a great Christmas and a Happy New year! We will be having a low key, lame new years going to dinner and a movie. We did not get invited to any parties, i think the time of parties is over for us with the baby closing in.
So we are off to rock the Keg and watch a good movie. Have a great new year folks!

The Lodatos:
The Kletchkas and us:

Mason celebrating his White Elephant gift (Boones Farm and Clamato Beer):

Me with the passed down family 'preggy' orgnament:

Snow Storm 2008

For all of you that have witnessed the news here in Seattle you realize that 1/2 of snow stops the city and the news station freak out. Well imagine when some places have 14 inches! it was the only thing on the news and well we were all stuck at home! :(
Here are a few pix of our "snow storm":

Andy's Snow man:

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

20 Week Checkup with pix!

Andy and I just got back from our 20 week check up and things are going great!
We got the ultrasound pix and will post them below. And NO we did not find out what it was; still a surprise!

We did find out that it is in the 60% percentile for size/weight so above normal even though I am not showing much. :)



2nd Profile:

Monday, December 8, 2008

My Bump, My Bump, My Little Baby Bump

Ok ok i finally got some pictures up of the belly. though you have to see it through a shirt, I am not showing skin. And yes i am sporting PJs in this pic.... they are sadly becoming the only part of my old wardrobe that still fits. Love the drawstring pants!
So check my belly out! Unlike Andy Van, my Andy did not want to show his belly. ;)
Andy set up the crib and changing table in the room a few weeks ago. We have bedding all picked out but no mattress yet. The room is a bit of a mess as we are still working on the closet system. We have like 4 months but I am sure if we keep procrastinating it will sneak up on us!

The Belly

The Crib

The table

Thursday, December 4, 2008

18 weeks and getting bigger

Last Wednesday November 26 I got older and somehow woke up and got bigger on top of it. The baby has decided not to grow slowly but at a rapid speed.

At my last check up I had only gained 1 pound so I am trying to eat a whole hell of a lot more and anything. I know they say only eat healthy items, but I need to gain weight so ice cream at least once a day is ok. ;) Especially from ColdStone, that is some FAT stuff and YUMMY!

I started with 4 pairs of jeans that fit with my belly band and now I am down to 2. The other day I realized that one pair started to cut off my belly and was so uncomfy. So I have dug out the prego pants that my friend Elaine gave me and well they are a bit baggy, but they feel so much better then my regular.... looks like I am in prego pants now!

Andy and I spent Thanksgiving in Albuquerque with his family and I was able to actually eat dinner, so I think I am making a turn for the better! Thank you all for the advice and well wishes I am excited to say I can eat now. HA HA! :)
Chicken on the other hand.... yeah still no good. The sight, smell or touch of chicken makes me gag and I actually do get sick. It is the strangest thing and really hope this goes away after the baby is born. I really like chicken and ate it all the time before I was prego.
For the record, for our family Birthday dinner for Andy and & I, I actually ate steak. This has not happened since I was 12 years old and my family was shocked. I ate only about 5 pieces and stuffed myself on a baked potatoes with TONS of sour cream (hell I need to gain weight here people!) and it was super yummy!

This Friday is another test as it is my friend Greg's Bday and we are going to "Purple" for dinner. This is a huge wine bar that has all of these yummy cheeses and wine that I cannot eat. So I am hoping that I can find something on the menu I can actually eat that is pasteurized.

Anyways, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving and ate lots of pumpkin pie!
I will be taking the obligatory belly shots soon to show off my itty bitty bump. yes very exciting for everyone. ;)