Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hmmmm Lysol

So I have not had much time to sit down and actually Blog and this morning seemed like a great time since Andy is still asleep.
Last week Marc our friend and local handyman came over and was able to take down our HORRIBLE looking old 1960's doors from all the bedrooms, closets and baths. My goal has been to replace those since the moment we moved in since the previous owners just painted them and what a lovely job they did. NOT. Anyways he was suppose to come back yesterday to put them all back since we are door less here in the Lodato house but Andy ended up coming down with some stomach bug.
And good god what a bug it was. Apparently there is a new restaurant that opened in Woodinville called the Hawaiian burger and even as I type this the sound of the burger that Andy ordered and somehow choked down makes me want to ralph he did not bode so well with keeping it down. He says it is the flu, but I really think he has a stomach virus or well the burger did it. I mean it was called the Spud Burger - huge burger with HASH BROWNS on it. BLAH! :((((((

Anyways - middle of the night Thursday/Friday started the sick portion of our trek and did i mention that we have NO DOORS. so needless to say the cat and I heard everything and well it was loud and we got no sleep.
I feel horrible for Andy as I could imagine having to go through that and know you cannot close the door. Poor guy.

So i got no sleep and woke up late for work Friday morning. Even though I was late i knew what i had to do: Lysol everything he may have touched. I am paranoid I know! But the last thing i wanted was catching whatever nasty bug he had and esp if it was the flu - i fear a fever worse then anything right now.
So Lysol can in hand and cloth I went around the entire house and sprayed and sprayed. I think i was making poor Andy feel like a leper, but alas it made me feel better. And not to mention our house smells permanently like Lysol. HA!

Ok on to baby blogging. As some of you know overnight a few weeks ago i woke up to find Hobbit feet had replaced mine (minus the hairy part), they were huge and swollen! I could not get a pair of shoes on to save my life and socks were literally cutting off the circulation to my legs. So i did the only thing i could think of and went and bought a few pairs of flip flops. They are my savior though with 40 degree weather here has also been downright freezing!
I thought since i had to show off my huge ass feet I would need nice nails so i went to have a pedicure and was scared that my feet were going to be worse after, but the lady doing it had had the same issues with her pregnancy and the mild massage she gave me (she knew and skipped the pressure point areas!) really helped.

On the topic of big. For the entire pregnancy i have been super lucky and only had to buy a few new bras for my huge cans that developed early and I have been super duper lucky that they have not gotten bigger yet. I mean the cost of bras these days? UGH!
However in the last 2 weeks I have noticed that my undies have now been a bit tighter and the band is cutting into my stomach. So i had to go to the store and buy a larger size - UGH. Guys are probably like what is the big deal, but this was huge for me as I feel massive!
I have never been a big person I know this, but parts of me are a lot larger then others may see. I have a rather large butt - apple bottom but to be exact - so trying to cover a now larger caboose with a huge tummy is challenging. I was able to find some that fit and keep it under $25 since they were Jockeys.
Oh but the fun undies? (And when I say fun i mean pregnancy fun undies not to be confused with the sexy type of fun) Are the C-section underwear. These things are like grandma undies x2. they are MASSIVE and spandex so they hold in and wow they are super sexy. The nurse suggested I get some for the hospital and when i purchased them they had them all packaged up so you really cannot see what they look like. I opened them at home to wash them and Andy was like - did you decide to borrow a large old woman's shorts? Yeah they are HIDEOUS so i cannot wait to sport them at the hospital.

Speaking of hospital, I packed my bag just recently. The baby site i read a lot gave a laundry list of stuff I would need and Andy would probably forget to pack, so i am packed and ready to go just in case Baby Lo is ready early. At the very bottom of the bag? the super duper trooper undies, so don't you worry. ;)

Weds we had Andy's work shower up at his office in Woodinville. It was so much fun, pizza and homemade blueberry pie and cheesecake - i was in heaven! Angie (Andy's front end staff member) made everything that day and it was SOOOO good.
They gave us a ton of baby gifts and we were sooo happy! We received the musical/vibrating bouncer thing that I have been told is a lifesaver. I have had many friends that have put the baby in there for the first week next to their beds since they were not able to do much walking or bending (c-section people of course) and it proved to be a lifesaver when they were boobie feeding.
We also received 2 sets of binkies, onesies, a rubber duckie for the bathtub, a chewable baby Einstein key ring, diapers and a Baby Einstein fish tank for the crib. this fish tank thing is so awesome! It is one of those that lights up and it looks like there are fish floating by, has sounds of classical music or womb sounds. I cannot wait to set that up this weekend in the crib.

My old manager was in town from Tampa this week and brought me a gift. My entire old team in Tampa got together and gave us a Target gift card and a card signed by everyone - it was so nice! I was not expecting it at all and i was so delighted!
I am planning on using that for a few of the smaller items that we know we need but are not baby related like towels. Oh don't get me started on baby towels - um what a waste of money! So you get this tiny towel which are not softer at all and they barely do much and are 4x the price of other towels. I think not.
I found some towels at Wal mart of all places that matched the bathroom walls in a pretty periwinkle for cheap but were super soft so the baby will get those instead of the expensive- will be tossed anyways towels. :)

So this weekend is our Anniversary weekend and we were suppose to go to dinner at Mortons tonight as our last hurrah dinner before Baby Lo is born, but with Andy sick we are cancelling that. Sad.
Sunday my parents are having us over for dinner and I am hoping that we can make that, i feel like this weekend we are locked up in the house with nothing to do but watch NCAA stuff. Well that can be fun and all but seriously. :)

Well Andy has woken up and is hungry so i am going to see if he can keep down some waffles and tea. I think i am going to drag Andy to Target wiht me so i can get him out of house since he looks and seems to feel better.

For those of you who i wont talk to this weekend have a good one!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

34 Week Bowling Ball

I feel like I have a bowling ball hanging from my stomach........ pretty sure I ate one or something. Baby Lo must have gained 10 pounds overnight as I woke up this morning and felt like I was going to tip over. I took a picture of the belly now that we are at 34 weeks - I feel crazy huge!

Room Update: I went Saturday I had to go buy some kiddie hangers to hang up some of the baby clothes. It was good to see what I needed for baby sizes as I was just not sure.

Now that I have things hung up and ready to go, we are in need of sizes 9 months and higher. We have tons of gowns and everything in 0-3 months and 3-6 months.

Sunday we spent the day at Grandma Kelly's house for her Birthday and the Lodatos gave us our awesome jogging stroller. We have it all put together and ready to take Pnut on a run!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Ah sexy bellies!

Saturday night Andy & I went to our friends house for a buffet of yummy food and good times with friends. And boy did the pregnant ladies come out. Tricia and Amber are both 12 weeks, due in one day of each other and I were asked to pose together.
If you could not tell I am the short plump one in the middle of the lanky tall chicks. ;)

Well we are 2 days away from 33 weeks! We are getting there in countdown mode and things are going very well. Other then the pain in the butt and back - not much else is going on which is great! Baby Lo AKA Mini Chuck Norris has been kicking the living daylights out of me and has found a nice hiding spot for its feet recently... in my rib cage.

Poor Andy is kept awake all night by me tossing and turning, grunting and groaning from my back pain and the kicking. I guess Baby Lo is trying to prep us for its upcoming arrival and endless nights of sleep. :)
Here is our most up to date belly pic. Andy wanted to be in the picture so here we all are one happy family of nuts.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Welcome Babies! (and updates)

The 26th was a busy day for the T-Mobile gals. Both my friends Jackie & Caryn welcomed babies! 6:23am Vivienne Clare Lawrence came first weighing in at 8 pounds 6 oz 19 3/4" long.

Welcome and Happy Birthday Viv!

Just a few hours later and a few cities away, Andy and Jackie finally welcomed their bundle of joy. Baby Van was suppose to come into the world on the 18th, but he was not ready! 8 days late and 30 hours of labor later little baby Ian Charles Van Inwegen came into the world. Weighing in at 7 pounds and 5 oz and 20" long at 1:09pm.

Welcome and Happy Birthday Ian!

The Lodatos are so happy with our new baby friends and cannot wait to welcome Baby Lo in 2 months!
Andy & I did the final touches of the baby room today; tie backs for the curtains and shelves are up. The Kletchka's bought the baby a plush mattress that is now in the crib and Dodger is very curious. So the mattress has temporary tin foil on it to scare the lil bugger away.... see if it helps.
Tuesday I had my 30th week check up, baby and mom are doing great. I did not gain much weight but they said I am right on target. The heartbeat is still at 150 so it is any ones guess what Baby Lo is. I do note that Melissa did the Chinese Baby Calendar thing and it came out a boy, so now she and my friend Mike are the only two that believe that it is a boy. :)

It is going to be really fun to find out what it is the day Baby Lo comes out though he/she has months of green, white and yellow colored clothing. :)
Here are a few baby bump picture updates for the Grandmas. Not much bigger I think but I feel like today I am having growing pains, so I am sure I am getting bigger.